Get a jump on the bookings forPRODEXPO 2016

Get a jump on the bookings forPRODEXPO 2016 with our special early booking discounts.

No longer do you have to check thousands of websites and hotels to find a hotel that works for you. Tell us what you need and let us bring the hotels to you!

The procedure is really simple. All you have to do isvisit our website or call us on+44 203 514 06 68 to give us your enquiry. You then receive the crème de la crème – offers that fit your price range and place you where you need to be. Choose the one you like best and finalize your booking online.

Our specialists will select the finest options among hundreds and send you photos and prices to compare and be sure you are only getting the very best! You can expect the same service for booking your flight!

Moscow is quite a big bite for one to look on his own. Leave the research to us!

We know how!

Kind Regards,

Trade Fair Trips Ltd
Tel: + 44 203 514 06 68
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.